Friday, March 2, 2007


Hey guys. I was on the internet and came across a site that you may want to check out.
View EVault's Online Backup Demo is a site that has an easy, flexible, superior, online backup and recovery services avaialbe to it's customers. Who these days does not have a computer? I know in my family alone, we have four. They are becoming as popular as the TV. But do keep in mind that very important material is many times stored on these computer and believe me, all you need is to have your computer crash once, with no back up available and you will be sure to take precautions and never let that happen again. I can speak fro experience as this same event occured inmy family about three years ago. So much material was just lost. Also things like our music playing list that took months to compile, gone in seconds when the computer crashed. Here is where a site like EVault will be indispensible and just what you will require. EVault has become the trusted expert in data protection solutions for any size business, be it small, medium, or large in size. This company provides online backup, online storage, business continuity planning, email archiving and e-discovery services to meet regulatory compliance requirements. As you can see by this description that I found on their site, the truely do a multitude of services to the customer.
EVault, a Seagate company,also specializes in remote backup software and disaster recovery of data for notebooks, desktops PCs and servers.This is where I wished I was more aware in this company. These services above would have made all the difference to me and my family when our computer did crash. It certainly would have saved us alot of time and grief, if we had contacted them before hand and implemented their service into our computer. One thing is for certain, that I will be sure to do it now,especially with the new computer I received this past Christmas.

This is a sponsored post.

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